Certified Life Coaching and Health Coaching
Are you curious about getting a Taste of Good and healthy living through coaching? Let me tell you about my certified life coaching and health coaching style, and perhaps you’ll want to give it a try. I am a certified life coach and health coach. I work with women from all over the world who are ready to work towards some real change in their lives. Whether the focus is to work through a current obstacle or improve a relationship or other aspect of your life…I’d love to work with you. If you want to know more about who I am and how I got here, come on over and meet me. Okay, enough small talk, let’s get into the details of what coaching is, what it isn’t, what my coaching approach is like, and whether I might be a good fit for you.

What is Coaching?
Coaching is about supporting you to create the life you want for yourself. We do this in one-on-one sessions over the phone (or zoom). In these sessions, the focus is on working through your chosen topic and creating action-oriented goals that enable you to empower yourself and your future.
Coaching is not advising or consulting; I will not tell you what to do. Coaching isn’t therapy or a replacement for it, and coaches don’t diagnose or provide treatment. A health coach is not a registered dietician or medical professional and doesn’t provide meal plans or weight loss programs.
In coaching, we focus on and look to the future and what you want to create for yourself. Personal coaching is based on a recognition of your expertise and knowledge in your life, and your desire to focus on your growth and challenges. Coaching creates a safe space for you to expand your understanding of yourself and increase your strengths and awareness.
Examples of my Work with Clients:
- A relocation to a new country or city – wanting to find that new normal
- A cancer diagnosis – working through the difficult emotions
- Career questioning – working on how to know and make a positive shift
- Support through a divorce – overcoming the struggle of emotions, and creating a bright future
- Difficult relationships with family members – creating positive change
My Coaching Style
I view coaching as a close partnership between my client and myself. I know that you hold the answers to your own questions, they might be hiding, but they are there. In our sessions, it is my aim to help you find those answers and to turn them into positive actions towards your goals.
Personal change has to start with a deep inner desire. A person can and will only change when they are truly ready for it. In our time together I will support you in a creative process that will inspire you to maximize your potential. I do this by asking you ‘opening’ questions that invite you to rediscover your topic and yourself. During our sessions, I will use coaching tools such as reflections and visualizations that develop your self-discovery. I will encourage you to work through this by educating and empowering yourself to find what is right for you.

One of our goals is to uncover underlying beliefs and learn new perspectives. These new perspectives will help you gain clarity and define what it is you want to achieve. I’ll help you identify and create positive action steps towards the future that you want for yourself. And I’ll hold you accountable to your goals and help you discover where you are holding back. This is just a small sampling to give you a taste of how I support my clients.
You are in control of your success and how much you get out of our time together. This is your time to gain a greater understanding of your hopes, dreams, and aspirations. But it’s not just all work; we will have some fun along the way. I look forward to laughing with you, celebrating your milestones with you.
How Former Clients have Described their Sessions with me:
- The best ‘me time’ treat; where I get to reflect and find new possibilities.
- Structured, forward-thinking, positive space where my next steps become so clear to me.
- A powerful time to reflect and gain a new understanding of my views, beliefs, and actions.
- Fun and safe space where I am acknowledged for my actions and held accountable to my goals.
Read more Testimonials from some of my former coaching clients
So what is a coaching session like?
I keep my sessions to 45 minutes in length. I conduct them over the phone or Zoom. (If phone is your preferred option you’ll be calling me at our set scheduled session, I’ll be ready and waiting for you.) With Zoom I will send you an invite and meet you at our set time.
In our first session together we will get to know each other a bit. I will tell you about my coaching style and answer any questions you might have. During our ongoing sessions, there will be more of a rhythm. When you come to the session we will touch on how your week has been. We’ll look at your celebrations and challenges, and reflect on how you did with your goals from the previous session. At this point, we’ll dive deeper into the goals, how it felt achieving them or what stood in your way. Then we will talk about where you’d want to go from here in regard to those goals.

Should a new interest, emotion or challenge have come up in your life that you want to focus on; we’ll switch gears to discuss and explore that further. You’ll describe what it is that you’re feeling and what your ultimate goal is on this particular topic. Then we’ll dig deep and help you find your next step or further your awareness. I might recommend books, one of my free coaching worksheets or other resources for further research and support.
Towards the end of our time, we will recap how the session went, what new insights you gained and how you are feeling. Then for the best part… action baby! You’ll define what you’d like to set as your action steps for the next week.
Sound Familiar? Are you…
- Wanting some support and accountability in your life?
- Craving to get your thoughts, emotions and your plans figured out?
- Yearning for clarity and a positive way forward for yourself?
- Faced with a reoccurring problem, relationship or worry that you are intent on changing?
Important Note
Our sessions and everything discussed in them in completely confidential. Trust and privacy are extremely important in a coaching relationship. I adhere to the International Coaching Federation’s (ICF) code of ethics. Be sure to read my client agreement when scheduling your sessions. This is to ensure that we are on the same page regarding our working relationship. I want to ensure that you are absolutely comfortable with our work together. Got Questions? Check out my Frequently Asked Questions page and let’s see if I’ve got your answer waiting there for you.
Are you Ready?
Interested in giving Coaching a try? Reach out to me by filling out the short form below. I’ll be getting back to you soon with my availability and info about our coaching work together.